hello hello!
i'm still shit at keeping up with sg land but if you comment me i will definitely reply!
still busy busy busy. working full-time and organising uni - starts in two weeks, yippee! i've been at my job a month now, the boss first trained me up in front-of-house (nothing i havn't done before), but this week is trialling me in the kitchen. i volunteered to switch as i would like a break from serving customers and also learn more about cooking. as i have little to no experience as a kitchen-hand i am having trouble keeping up the pace - the boss has said if i don't improve my speed he'll have to put me back in service, which is fine really.
had last saturday off for my excellent friend lauren's birthday. friday after work i went straight to the airport and got on a plane alone for the first time (not a big deal at all, it was just like taking a bus). got picked up from sydney airport by brownie from sydney city trash and the birthday girl herself
check out her 'thanks for coming' myspace blog to read her account of the night.
by my account it was fantastic! the party was on the rooftop of our friends mitch and pete's apartment. they did the space up with fairy lights and candles
caught up with loz, the rest of sydney city trash, half of the disables, mark from steppin razor and his lovely wife sue who i hadn't met before, lowki from run for cover and more! stayed with paddy, regan and cress in their new, beautiful little house. returned to the rooftop the next day for breakfast and clean-up, then loz dropped me off at the airport on her way back to wollongong (where she lives).
got home to melbourne and my favourite band the black market and also most of topnovil were chilling at my man's house with guests. i had missed topnovil's only melbourne show for loz's party but i saw the black market the next two nights
this makes me very happy but at the same time disappointed that they don't get a better reception in my city... the rest of the country loves them, make sure to check them out! i had a ridiculously ace weekend with all these visitors, especially getting to know better ben from deputy dipshit (and formerly toerag) and cohen from toppy (and formerly the brazen hearts).
the weekend was the first interstate family gathering of the year, i didn't realise how much i missed all the above people in the month since i'd last seen them. but it's back to normal now, the disables are down this week to play one show with nofx and one of their own, no idea are heading up to brisbane for some black market shows with myself and dik's girlfriend kacey along for the ride, the pints from brisbane and the brews from adelaide are touring together in march and april, topnovil and the disables may return around easter and wollongong's run for cover and sydney city trash are keen to visit around that time too. i love my friends!!!
and i'm officially moving in with my boyfriend once we get back from brisbane next weekend. i'll be at school and work three days a week each - school is 25 minutes walk from carl's front door and a bus that takes me to work in the same amount of time leaves from a block away, whereas from my current location these destinations are roughly an hour and a half on public transport. i'm excited about properly living together after two and a half years being a couple
and i'd love to leave you with some pictures but at the moment i can't load any! so i will post some next time.
best wishes to everyone who reads me, xox jen
i'm still shit at keeping up with sg land but if you comment me i will definitely reply!
still busy busy busy. working full-time and organising uni - starts in two weeks, yippee! i've been at my job a month now, the boss first trained me up in front-of-house (nothing i havn't done before), but this week is trialling me in the kitchen. i volunteered to switch as i would like a break from serving customers and also learn more about cooking. as i have little to no experience as a kitchen-hand i am having trouble keeping up the pace - the boss has said if i don't improve my speed he'll have to put me back in service, which is fine really.
had last saturday off for my excellent friend lauren's birthday. friday after work i went straight to the airport and got on a plane alone for the first time (not a big deal at all, it was just like taking a bus). got picked up from sydney airport by brownie from sydney city trash and the birthday girl herself

by my account it was fantastic! the party was on the rooftop of our friends mitch and pete's apartment. they did the space up with fairy lights and candles

got home to melbourne and my favourite band the black market and also most of topnovil were chilling at my man's house with guests. i had missed topnovil's only melbourne show for loz's party but i saw the black market the next two nights

the weekend was the first interstate family gathering of the year, i didn't realise how much i missed all the above people in the month since i'd last seen them. but it's back to normal now, the disables are down this week to play one show with nofx and one of their own, no idea are heading up to brisbane for some black market shows with myself and dik's girlfriend kacey along for the ride, the pints from brisbane and the brews from adelaide are touring together in march and april, topnovil and the disables may return around easter and wollongong's run for cover and sydney city trash are keen to visit around that time too. i love my friends!!!
and i'm officially moving in with my boyfriend once we get back from brisbane next weekend. i'll be at school and work three days a week each - school is 25 minutes walk from carl's front door and a bus that takes me to work in the same amount of time leaves from a block away, whereas from my current location these destinations are roughly an hour and a half on public transport. i'm excited about properly living together after two and a half years being a couple

and i'd love to leave you with some pictures but at the moment i can't load any! so i will post some next time.
best wishes to everyone who reads me, xox jen

thanks for all the love!