all right then!
the Pistolita Suicide 2007 Calendar is available for sale! as you may already know Pistolita is fighting cervical cancer - and the costs that come with it. the artwork for this calendar has been created by members of the SG Fan Art Group and coordinated by the most excellent rikkitikitavi, all completely free of charge. to purchase the calendar you must join the deviantART community (this costs nothing). once there search for Pistolita Suicide (or use the url in this post) and you can buy the full calendar and individual prints, also get the images printed on coffee mugs, mousepads and more! EVERY CENT of profit goes to Pistolita, and god knows she needs it right now. please support an awesome woman in her time of need and pick up a gorgeous pin-up girl calendar at the same time.
ordering my calendars has just about wrapped up my christmas shopping, but the last one to go is also the hardest - my man
he has had a great year and bought everything he needs on his own. but we are going out for his shopping on sunday so perhaps i'll decide on something then. then in 9 days we're flying to brisbane, yay!!! we have just under a week there, it's going to feel like no time!
i have been looking after my gorgeous nieces lots this week. i never knew how much i could love another being until they were born
hope you are all having safe and happy holiday seasons
take care of each other xox
the Pistolita Suicide 2007 Calendar is available for sale! as you may already know Pistolita is fighting cervical cancer - and the costs that come with it. the artwork for this calendar has been created by members of the SG Fan Art Group and coordinated by the most excellent rikkitikitavi, all completely free of charge. to purchase the calendar you must join the deviantART community (this costs nothing). once there search for Pistolita Suicide (or use the url in this post) and you can buy the full calendar and individual prints, also get the images printed on coffee mugs, mousepads and more! EVERY CENT of profit goes to Pistolita, and god knows she needs it right now. please support an awesome woman in her time of need and pick up a gorgeous pin-up girl calendar at the same time.
ordering my calendars has just about wrapped up my christmas shopping, but the last one to go is also the hardest - my man

i have been looking after my gorgeous nieces lots this week. i never knew how much i could love another being until they were born

hope you are all having safe and happy holiday seasons

take care of each other xox
Have a happy new year!