first, go check out the amazing and gorgeous SG Pistolita. she rocks! then check out this thread in the SG Fan Art Group. upon reading that Pistolita is living with cervical cancer (and the costs incurred by treatments for it), i presented an idea to this group, and the most excellent rikkitikitavi has developed it into the very exciting reality of... Calendars For Cancer!!! that's right folks. in the next few weeks you will all be able to purchase calendars featuring stunning artistic interpretations of beautiful Pistolita that will help her Fight Cancer Fund, yay!!! i will keep you informed, or by all means bookmark the group to keep up with proceedings
when my Pistolita calendar arrives it will join the likenesses of some other ladies who make this site so appealing. this week i arrived home to the raddest present package EVER from the one and only Lavonne Suicide
as well as the divine charcoal self-portrait i originally bought, this happening lady chucked in an assortment of gifts - including mix cds! what a winner! i danced to them at work today, heehee! and i will soon be plastering SG stickers up all over my city, awesome!
add to that a pair of prints of the always breath-taking Salome, which will look positively dazzling next the classic b+w prints i received from the darling Sjanett earlier in the year
i love art in the form of unbelievably striking women! and also, adjectives!
in other news, my left cheek piercing is infected and nasty looking and my new ink from monday is flaking furiously. today is december 1st and i'm yet to buy a single christmas gift. tomorrow i am going to my friend Dik's pirate-themed 33rd birthday. i am set on starting a Clash cover band with my friend Dub. that is all.

first, go check out the amazing and gorgeous SG Pistolita. she rocks! then check out this thread in the SG Fan Art Group. upon reading that Pistolita is living with cervical cancer (and the costs incurred by treatments for it), i presented an idea to this group, and the most excellent rikkitikitavi has developed it into the very exciting reality of... Calendars For Cancer!!! that's right folks. in the next few weeks you will all be able to purchase calendars featuring stunning artistic interpretations of beautiful Pistolita that will help her Fight Cancer Fund, yay!!! i will keep you informed, or by all means bookmark the group to keep up with proceedings

when my Pistolita calendar arrives it will join the likenesses of some other ladies who make this site so appealing. this week i arrived home to the raddest present package EVER from the one and only Lavonne Suicide

add to that a pair of prints of the always breath-taking Salome, which will look positively dazzling next the classic b+w prints i received from the darling Sjanett earlier in the year

in other news, my left cheek piercing is infected and nasty looking and my new ink from monday is flaking furiously. today is december 1st and i'm yet to buy a single christmas gift. tomorrow i am going to my friend Dik's pirate-themed 33rd birthday. i am set on starting a Clash cover band with my friend Dub. that is all.

but no, fuck it, the new layout SUCKS BALLS!!!
anyhoo, it was Chris Garver said it - he's the fella that basically trained everyone there, and he's fucking awesome. he does the amazing japanese tigers an stuff, totally gobsmacking. i think the guy is awesome, and when he said that, i just though "thats brilliant". he's like Buddha or something!
Ami (the bald one) is kind of a tool though...