Gosh, I always get so nervous before one of my footy teams play, its even worse in the finals argh. I wish I were at the game though. I probably would be if I didnt work all day. *cranky face*
Talking about work, I have the next two weekends off.
*dances* Im supposed to be babysitting next saturday night. But if something so happens to arise, I'll try talk mum into doing it for me with some kind of massive woe is me i never go anywhere spiel. The week after is Wednesday 13 (so perhaps that spiel may not work...hmm, dammit my cousin always calls up with im either half asleep or in the shower so i just say yes before i think)
Two of my kitties put on a little performance for the camera today. Well, it was the usual nightly occurance/fight over who gets the lounge (buffy doesnt share) and I happened to have my camera out.
Tiki-Voodoo Bananas looking like a real little angel
Buffy-Muffin looking apprehensive (okay, yes i know shes blurry I really need to learn to work my camera properly and stop using the auto setting)
look how cute I am. <333 Tiki
Buffy sulking
A fight over the bathroom
Tonights moon
well. the games about to start.
later gators.
Talking about work, I have the next two weekends off.
*dances* Im supposed to be babysitting next saturday night. But if something so happens to arise, I'll try talk mum into doing it for me with some kind of massive woe is me i never go anywhere spiel. The week after is Wednesday 13 (so perhaps that spiel may not work...hmm, dammit my cousin always calls up with im either half asleep or in the shower so i just say yes before i think)
Two of my kitties put on a little performance for the camera today. Well, it was the usual nightly occurance/fight over who gets the lounge (buffy doesnt share) and I happened to have my camera out.

Tiki-Voodoo Bananas looking like a real little angel

Buffy-Muffin looking apprehensive (okay, yes i know shes blurry I really need to learn to work my camera properly and stop using the auto setting)


look how cute I am. <333 Tiki

Buffy sulking

A fight over the bathroom

Tonights moon
well. the games about to start.
later gators.
i'm so oblivious to any kind of football. i don't even know who is playing or what code you're talking about lol. let alone know the rules of the game! haha.
let me know when we can have a beer!