Meet my newest friend, the esteemed Mister Batty. He is not actually a bat by the way, he is a FLYING FOX.
isnt he sexy? he also tells me dirty secret jokes
I rescued him from the top of register one at work. he simply was not being treated properly there. I spent both days at work talking to him because at the registers, when there are no customers, I have no one to talk too. So Mr. Batty became my new acquanitance and by the time the day was out, my newest friend.
& I would like to add that squeaks new set & discos new set rock my fucking socks right off my feet. They are so fucking HOT and great.
I am currently fighting off an impending panic attack.
I wish this semester would hurry the fuck up and be over. *breathes* Being tired makes me scared of everything. arrrrrrr i hate this. at least i can kind of deal with it now. i know when its coming and i can prolong build up but its inevitably going to release somehow.

isnt he sexy? he also tells me dirty secret jokes

I rescued him from the top of register one at work. he simply was not being treated properly there. I spent both days at work talking to him because at the registers, when there are no customers, I have no one to talk too. So Mr. Batty became my new acquanitance and by the time the day was out, my newest friend.
& I would like to add that squeaks new set & discos new set rock my fucking socks right off my feet. They are so fucking HOT and great.
I am currently fighting off an impending panic attack.
I wish this semester would hurry the fuck up and be over. *breathes* Being tired makes me scared of everything. arrrrrrr i hate this. at least i can kind of deal with it now. i know when its coming and i can prolong build up but its inevitably going to release somehow.

i wish i had a bat for a friend