behold the worlds worst accident
I am so fucking incoherant when I am this tired. Incoherant and slow. Like, a ten second delay between thought, process and action. WOAHHH non-comprehende.
We went and saw Land of the Dead last night, it was so fucking great. Well, in terms of the genre piece it was anyway. To HELL with a "intellectual logal whatever story line" those zombies rocked my fucking socks off. They have taken over from Evil Dead & Return of the Living dead zombies as my favourite zombies. ESPECIALLY BIG DADDY ZOMBIE. Dennis Hopper was fantastic, as per usual. I havent ever seen Dennis Hopper play a bad role he is just fantastic as the evil villian and the way he says "FUCK" and other related words is great. LETS HEAR A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR DENNIS FUCKING HOPPER PEOPLE. oh yea & COULD ASIA ARGENTO ROCK ANY FUCKING HARDER!? christ i love that woman. YES.
woah. Yea, it was a zombie revolution. I left the cinemas a happy happy girl. Then I saw the poster for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and had to refrain from licking it.
The waiter at mamas kitchen gave us attitude. Like, he was being a real fucktard. I wanted to stab him with my fork, especially since he gave us our meal, then the bread THEN THE DRINKS. wanker. he had the whole mullet-mohawk look going on too. douchebag.
I dyed darkfool/Andys hair this morning and turned him into a pumpkinhead with all the excess dye. but its okay. I washed it off with shampoo (the pumpkinhead-ness, not the dye) then he had to walk me to the bus stop looking really super fucking stylish with gladwrap on his hair, and it had managed to turn itself into a plastic mullet haha. if my camera wasnt so buried in my bag i would have taken a photo of it. It was all gladwrapped to the head but flowing and loose at the back. It was so fucking sexy and hot, he had to beat off everyone with a stick haha. But its okay cause he made me a rad breakfast (that for the ten seconds i had to fucking watch it, it fucking burnt) that lasted me through the day. With the exception of coffee of course. RAHHH. :arr:
I want a golden ticket.
I want a goose that lays golden eggs.
I want an oompa loompa big zombie daddy and I WANT ONE NOWWW.
& Big zombie daddy says "RAAAAHHHHHH"

I am so fucking incoherant when I am this tired. Incoherant and slow. Like, a ten second delay between thought, process and action. WOAHHH non-comprehende.
We went and saw Land of the Dead last night, it was so fucking great. Well, in terms of the genre piece it was anyway. To HELL with a "intellectual logal whatever story line" those zombies rocked my fucking socks off. They have taken over from Evil Dead & Return of the Living dead zombies as my favourite zombies. ESPECIALLY BIG DADDY ZOMBIE. Dennis Hopper was fantastic, as per usual. I havent ever seen Dennis Hopper play a bad role he is just fantastic as the evil villian and the way he says "FUCK" and other related words is great. LETS HEAR A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR DENNIS FUCKING HOPPER PEOPLE. oh yea & COULD ASIA ARGENTO ROCK ANY FUCKING HARDER!? christ i love that woman. YES.
woah. Yea, it was a zombie revolution. I left the cinemas a happy happy girl. Then I saw the poster for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and had to refrain from licking it.
The waiter at mamas kitchen gave us attitude. Like, he was being a real fucktard. I wanted to stab him with my fork, especially since he gave us our meal, then the bread THEN THE DRINKS. wanker. he had the whole mullet-mohawk look going on too. douchebag.
I dyed darkfool/Andys hair this morning and turned him into a pumpkinhead with all the excess dye. but its okay. I washed it off with shampoo (the pumpkinhead-ness, not the dye) then he had to walk me to the bus stop looking really super fucking stylish with gladwrap on his hair, and it had managed to turn itself into a plastic mullet haha. if my camera wasnt so buried in my bag i would have taken a photo of it. It was all gladwrapped to the head but flowing and loose at the back. It was so fucking sexy and hot, he had to beat off everyone with a stick haha. But its okay cause he made me a rad breakfast (that for the ten seconds i had to fucking watch it, it fucking burnt) that lasted me through the day. With the exception of coffee of course. RAHHH. :arr:
I want a golden ticket.
I want a goose that lays golden eggs.
I want an oompa loompa big zombie daddy and I WANT ONE NOWWW.
& Big zombie daddy says "RAAAAHHHHHH"

But yeah, I thought it was really good. And Big Daddy was awesome! I really felt for the guy. What an awesome zombie