this weekend was possibly one of the best weekends EVER. At least in a very fucking long time. It is still trying to sink in that I saw NIN. I mean, I saw them last tour but they only did festival shows and that sucked. They just are not suited to a festival, however I AM glad that I saw them with Danny and Robin in the lineup.
Rhee & myself ended up going to both shows. Which was wicked as all hell. The second night we got barrier RIGHT IN FRONT OF JEORDIE (and again, he will always be twiggy to me). The first night natatree came along and we got really rad seats in the stands, so I got to take some pretty decent photographs. Even with the non-camera friendly lighting. HA take that! You may allow cameras in your show then think you are all clever enough to put up lighting thats EVIL but nooo KYLIE IS CLEVERER AND CAN WORK A CAMERA HAHA! *ahem*
Both nights the show was fucking awesome. I am so incredibly impressed by the live show. Its second to bowie in my live experiences now. It was just, wow. I oculdnt have constructed the setlist any better.
okay. the sets.
SHOW ONE (19th August)
1.The Frail
2.The Wretched
5.The Line Begins To Blur
6.March Of The Pigs
7.Something I Can Never Have
8.The Hand That Feeds
9.With Teeth
10.Terrible Lie
13.The Big Come Down
16.You Know What You Are
18.Gave Up
20.Dead Souls
21.Starfuckers, Inc.
22.Head Like A Hole
okay. I totally was not expecting dead souls and burn. FUCKFUCKFUCK! And something I can never have, woah. thats one of my absolute favourite NIN songs. AND TERRIBLE LIE AND SIN AND THE STUFF FROM THE BROKEN EP. They all shocked the hell out of me and I thought I imagined hearing them when I woke up the next morning haha. I cant believe it, a whole bunch of my fucking favourite NIN songs LIVE!
SATURDAY 20th August
1. Terrible lie
2. You know what you are
3. Sin
4. The line begins to blur
5. March of the pigs
6. Piggy
7. The hand that feeds
8. With teeth
9. Closer
10. The frail
11. The wretched
12. Collector
13. Reptile
14. Burn
15. No you dont
16. Love is not enough
17. Even deeper
18. Suck
19. Gave up
20. Hurt
21. Wish
22. Head like a hole
I liked hearing the collector live. It was great. So was piggy ha, yea that was hella impressive. Im sososososososo happy with the songs they chose,. Even though no starfuckers the next night because of trents little tanty that no one could clap in time thus throwing him off. Someone said "did you see his grin" yea but from where i stood i also saw him stomp off stage and kick the door as he went out leaving the band to finish and leave with stunned looks. heh. Trents such an ass. But i love nin sooo so much.
Rhee & I had such a fucking BLAST and a half this weekend. We had our hotel room and turned it into a liquor den. haha we had two bottles of smirnoff and a bottle of malibu. We were mixing our own drink concuctions. And started drinking saturday at about 11am where rhee filled her red bull can with redbull and vodka and i poured malibu into my iced latte. rockin, we are total fucking alcoholics. hell yes!
theres sooooooo much im leaving out but i put a bunch of photographs in the NINE INCH NAILS folder in my pics section. so go check it yo!
If u have ill give u $50 to prove it!