i cant look away from the news. its been on for about three almost four, hell perhaps even five hours now. ever since i got the notification online, i went outside and started watching channel 9 with mum. then i realised i left tiki in here by herself so i came back in here and have been watching channel two/abc since then. they are rotating between CNN and BBC news coverage.
apparently the police are giving an interview in half an hour to an hour to give as much information as they can in regards to fatalities and casualties. but every one is speculating. so far i have heard 40, 50, 150, 80 and 10. No one has any idea whatso ever and i HATE IT when people make assumptions with no valid information waht so ever.
i can not believe how hungrily i consume the media and news coverage. its really quite perverted and disgusting i suppose. but i sit there and yell at the presenters who are intervewing people by phone. i had to stop watching the commercial tv because if the reported asked one more stupid question i was going to cry out of sheer anger. "so, you are in a coffee shop, is the owner accomodating everyone comfortably? are people eating and drinking?" WTF WHO CARES.
i really really hope that it doesnt effect any positive outcome that may have been from the G8 summit. Just when there was the potential for something good to happen, ARGH. i hate politics. i try not to get to involved in it or read up to much on it because i am far to opinionated and get far to frustrated. i keep as informed as i need to be and perhaps just a little more.
argh. i cant stand this. im to dramatic. opinionated. passionate and volatile to continue ranting.
apparently the police are giving an interview in half an hour to an hour to give as much information as they can in regards to fatalities and casualties. but every one is speculating. so far i have heard 40, 50, 150, 80 and 10. No one has any idea whatso ever and i HATE IT when people make assumptions with no valid information waht so ever.
i can not believe how hungrily i consume the media and news coverage. its really quite perverted and disgusting i suppose. but i sit there and yell at the presenters who are intervewing people by phone. i had to stop watching the commercial tv because if the reported asked one more stupid question i was going to cry out of sheer anger. "so, you are in a coffee shop, is the owner accomodating everyone comfortably? are people eating and drinking?" WTF WHO CARES.
i really really hope that it doesnt effect any positive outcome that may have been from the G8 summit. Just when there was the potential for something good to happen, ARGH. i hate politics. i try not to get to involved in it or read up to much on it because i am far to opinionated and get far to frustrated. i keep as informed as i need to be and perhaps just a little more.
argh. i cant stand this. im to dramatic. opinionated. passionate and volatile to continue ranting.
i haven't had power because of the tropical storm that hit here. i just woke up, so your journal was the first i heard about this. holy shit...