woo another set from maddame already.
Today I finally tracked down this:
(she also comes with bongo drums)
I saw her in Big W aaaages ago. And have been trying to find her again ever since but with no such luck, everytime there is a sale on MLP they have the others, but never skywishes, MLP are my favourite toys ever. Closely followed by Carebears, Living Dead Dolls & various other childhood delights and movie paraphenalia.
I am on the MLP site now, making a list of the ponies that I covet. I also have a bunch from when I was a kid, so then just for the hell of it im going to make a list of the ones I have/had. (I lost my seapony, i have a feeling one of my supposed primary school "friends" stole it when we used to play)
i'll update again with my list, just because. & I might post pics of the ponies i have, or even take some of my collection. Again, to procrastinate.
I will NEVER grow out of toys.
I want pretty clothes, dresses and halter tops and pretty pairs of shoes. Having expensive taste really sucks, as does being one of those in the middle sizes. Because on ebay the things I like are either way to small or way too big.
I am having mucho troubles AGAIN with my 8000 word creative writing piece. I have 4000 words that I am happy with. Everything else I churn out I literally throw out, Its due next week, BUT I have to have the draft done tomorrow so i can get some productive feedback on it. & I have my cinema and realism essay due on Tuesday. I mean, i work on these things but then I always leave the actual writing it until I really have too, especially essays. *vomits*
Ebay is soo slow lately, no one is buying ANYTHING. I have to relist stuff twice, and three times before it gets any bids. And im starting things at insanely low prices purely to get rid of them, sure I could take them to St. Vinnies, but if I did that then I would have to shop there too.
Today I finally tracked down this:

(she also comes with bongo drums)
I saw her in Big W aaaages ago. And have been trying to find her again ever since but with no such luck, everytime there is a sale on MLP they have the others, but never skywishes, MLP are my favourite toys ever. Closely followed by Carebears, Living Dead Dolls & various other childhood delights and movie paraphenalia.
I am on the MLP site now, making a list of the ponies that I covet. I also have a bunch from when I was a kid, so then just for the hell of it im going to make a list of the ones I have/had. (I lost my seapony, i have a feeling one of my supposed primary school "friends" stole it when we used to play)
i'll update again with my list, just because. & I might post pics of the ponies i have, or even take some of my collection. Again, to procrastinate.
I will NEVER grow out of toys.
I want pretty clothes, dresses and halter tops and pretty pairs of shoes. Having expensive taste really sucks, as does being one of those in the middle sizes. Because on ebay the things I like are either way to small or way too big.
I am having mucho troubles AGAIN with my 8000 word creative writing piece. I have 4000 words that I am happy with. Everything else I churn out I literally throw out, Its due next week, BUT I have to have the draft done tomorrow so i can get some productive feedback on it. & I have my cinema and realism essay due on Tuesday. I mean, i work on these things but then I always leave the actual writing it until I really have too, especially essays. *vomits*
Ebay is soo slow lately, no one is buying ANYTHING. I have to relist stuff twice, and three times before it gets any bids. And im starting things at insanely low prices purely to get rid of them, sure I could take them to St. Vinnies, but if I did that then I would have to shop there too.
She wont you know... You should see her room!