Well, I haven't updated properly in a while.
This past week has been.. I'd say fun, but it's been more surreal really.
I learnt that my capacity for holding alcohol has dramatically decreased.
Anyway, I have developed 2 new obsessions lately. The first is hentai. Not in a particularly sexual way, but it's just.. so funny and cute. And I'm pretty sure some of the people who draw that stuff have never known the love of a woman in their lives, judging by the completely anatomically incorrect bodies of the women.. but it's still fun.
The second is scarification and branding. These kinds of body mod have interested me for a while, but recently I've been thinking of getting a brand on my lower left arm. Frankly, there are a lot of body mods I want done but my current financial situation (ie: broke) doesn't really allow for it. Not many places seem to do branding, so I imagine it would be pretty expensive to do, and I'm not really very keen on doing it myself.
Anyway, on the subject of Being John Malkovich (yeah I guess we weren't on the subject, but John Malkovich is God) -
If you could be anyone in the world for 15 minutes, who would you be?
A few months ago, two mates of mine decided to get absolutely rat-arsed and brand EACH other. One of these people, alarmingly, is quite SANE! Their chioce of implement was a gas hob and a ford fiesta car aerial.. I cant vouch for the sanity of 'Keo' but his branding was neat.... Kevs looked awful. Both of em errupted, though. The effect is pretty cool now...