^ ^ ^ ^ ^
That smiley looks more coy than confused to me, I like it.
So. The last week has been pretty fun. I hung out with some friends I haven't seen in a while. And I helped Kay to dye her hair ^__^ she now has two streaks of purple at the front of her hair, which took a grand total of 2 hours. But that's if you include the time it took to prelighten it, and for her to go downstairs and show her boi how crazy she looked with two orange blond streaks at the front of her auborn hair.
From this enlightening experience, i learned that prelightening bleach smells a lot like piss.

Thanks for your comment on my set babe! You rule. And Being John Malkovich and GIA are great movies. You have such good taste woman! 

I want you guys to have first crack at my offer so check out my journal and let me know if anything strikes you fancy...