how do you deal with someone who has no way of getting out of a problem?
just listen? you cant do anything.
and believe me there is NO way out of this problem. trust me.
i guess i'll just go on listening. being there. that works.
next subject.
every 3 mins or so this sound in my closet ..uh.. makes a sound. (ha. how redundant. no time for rephrasing tho)
its kinda scary. at least its not a rat.
i hate secrets. especially ones that im told that im not supposed to blog about. darn.
the last time i did coke iit gave me the WORST headache ever. i mean, you could tel it still gave you a high but it was COMPLETELY ruined by the headache.
and i no it was the coke. i tested this theory. willingly.
i saw mason today. i hope i cheered him up. i probably did out of my clumsiness. heh.
i saw matt today. hes still sick. poor baby. his gf took him to applebees. but then she had to go home or something so he walked me home. his present was a two part-er. actually. .....three if you count.. .. ..
oh man i love this. sweetness. sweetness.
brads coming over tonight. to watch a chick flick. hes the only guy i no who actually WANTS to watch them. like, i spread all our movies out on the floor and before i could finish hes like, 'OOO! THAT ONE' and points to Just Friends. i mean its fine with me. but ha.
so yeah. no SG pics tonight tho. hes still got the other set. picking the ones he thinks are best. i dont care which ones he picks. i saw them when they were on his camera. hes amazing. so they look great. i wish i were a liiiiiiiiiitle prettier tho. that would be icing on the cake. (i know im going to be killed for saying that right there. but oh well. im allowed to dream arent i?)
i dont think im ugly. i think im beautiful. which is good. alot of the crazy things i do are because of my confidence that i look lovely when i do them. i look like a dork most of the time-but a lovely one non the less.
ENOUGH. this bores me.
im leaving.
ps.i hate drama.
lalalalalallalalaa. i would rather jump in front of a bus than hear or be involved with drama
pps. I MOVE IN IN 9 DAYS!!!!
ppps. AMY!! grrrrrrrrrrr
way to just RUIN a perfectly planned exciting anticipated day. grrrrrrrrrrr.
just listen? you cant do anything.
and believe me there is NO way out of this problem. trust me.
i guess i'll just go on listening. being there. that works.
next subject.
every 3 mins or so this sound in my closet ..uh.. makes a sound. (ha. how redundant. no time for rephrasing tho)
its kinda scary. at least its not a rat.
i hate secrets. especially ones that im told that im not supposed to blog about. darn.
the last time i did coke iit gave me the WORST headache ever. i mean, you could tel it still gave you a high but it was COMPLETELY ruined by the headache.
and i no it was the coke. i tested this theory. willingly.
i saw mason today. i hope i cheered him up. i probably did out of my clumsiness. heh.

i saw matt today. hes still sick. poor baby. his gf took him to applebees. but then she had to go home or something so he walked me home. his present was a two part-er. actually. .....three if you count.. .. ..
oh man i love this. sweetness. sweetness.
brads coming over tonight. to watch a chick flick. hes the only guy i no who actually WANTS to watch them. like, i spread all our movies out on the floor and before i could finish hes like, 'OOO! THAT ONE' and points to Just Friends. i mean its fine with me. but ha.
so yeah. no SG pics tonight tho. hes still got the other set. picking the ones he thinks are best. i dont care which ones he picks. i saw them when they were on his camera. hes amazing. so they look great. i wish i were a liiiiiiiiiitle prettier tho. that would be icing on the cake. (i know im going to be killed for saying that right there. but oh well. im allowed to dream arent i?)
i dont think im ugly. i think im beautiful. which is good. alot of the crazy things i do are because of my confidence that i look lovely when i do them. i look like a dork most of the time-but a lovely one non the less.
ENOUGH. this bores me.
im leaving.
ps.i hate drama.
lalalalalallalalaa. i would rather jump in front of a bus than hear or be involved with drama
pps. I MOVE IN IN 9 DAYS!!!!
ppps. AMY!! grrrrrrrrrrr

I <3 chick flicks.
True Story.
I own a lot but Tristan and isolde is one of my favorites that's recent.
Are you moving far?
The End