Hi @missy, @rambo and @lyxzen.
My favourite app on my smartphone is certainly Pinterest. It helps me to find inspiration and creative ideas. The thing I love is that I can find many beautiful and evocative images. I use Pinterest to plan a travel and save my favourite images of the most beautiful places, it helps me to find new ideas of gifts to buy or original recipes to cook. I can find many tutorials of make-up, nails, hair, and fitness exercises.
In particular I use Pinterest to find inspiration regarding tattoos. Fox example in these days I plan to get me a new tattoo, a black crow on the right arm and i'm looking for some ideas and inspiration.
The app is really an angle of reflection and research.. It helps me to face even the worst days whit a smile because it makes me travel with the imagination and stimulates my creativity. It distracts me too much even at work, at the office during the most boring afternoons...but I hope my boss never read this @bloghomework.