you know, everytime I feel down, I just look out at the bay or walk down to Ocean Beach and thank God I live in San Francisco. I've been a lot of places, and this is home. everytime the plane comes back from wherever I've been, and drops down across the bay into SFO, I just get a happy feeling. This is the greatest place I've ever been, and I don't ever want to leave.
More Blogs
Saturday Jul 26, 2008
i'm afraid that vanish was correct. as i study more and more i find … -
Wednesday Jul 23, 2008
If you believe that God makes miracles, then you must believe that Sa… -
Wednesday Jul 23, 2008
So, a little lady, and you know who you are, made me reflect upon thi… -
Sunday Jul 20, 2008
the horror. what am i doing? the horrible stuff that i am studying g… -
Saturday Jul 19, 2008
yeah. so maybe it's my studies, maybe it's reality, maybe I'm slowly… -
Saturday Jul 19, 2008
For those of you who are not civil war buffs, today is the day that C… -
Wednesday Jul 16, 2008
So, I was thinking, is there such a thing as the perfect song? I use… -
Tuesday Jul 15, 2008
OK. Alright already. I promise to make a video of one of my songs w… -
Tuesday Jul 15, 2008
lol so I got fired today. what a fucking joke. i can't even hold do… -
Sunday Jul 13, 2008
Sooooo...... What do I love about San Francisco? 1. it's not fucki…