If you believe that God makes miracles, then you must believe that Satan does also.
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Sunday Sep 13, 2009
My ex-wife, the evil soul-destroying harpy just sent me a friend requ… -
Friday Sep 11, 2009
Ok, so lot's of confusion about this, so I went ahead and learned it.… -
Wednesday Aug 05, 2009
So...school starts back up at the end of the month. Wondering how it… -
Friday May 15, 2009
So I just got a text from a girl I've known since the first grade, wh… -
Friday May 15, 2009
almost done with the school year. one more book review and one more … -
Thursday Feb 12, 2009
tired tonight. tired today. too much to think about. going to shut… -
Tuesday Feb 10, 2009
I did have a great love of my life, you know. I haven't always been … -
Saturday Feb 07, 2009
I do often wonder what happened to me. I used to play bass all the t… -
Friday Jan 30, 2009
big day tomorrow. got to give a talk to a seminar regarding the resp… -
Thursday Jan 29, 2009
so so so i've only got one more class left in my Monotheisms semin…
though honestly i have a deep seeded compassion for the worst of devils, I mean, didn't God create them too? Are they not serving some purpose despite themselves? And after the resurrection won't even the worst have been reborn??
Actually, if you don't mind I'd like to share a poem I wrote about the angel of death, I'll put it in a spoiler, but this is a problem that always grips me. I mean, it's not like evil will just be dissolved and uncreated and forgotten, or will it? But then won't we all go down with it? All are short of the glory of God no? Too many questions!!!! lol. anyway:
Angel of Death
This Angel of Death
So dark and pale,
My heart mourned
For the life He never knew.
I held Him in my arms,
Not cold, but nothing;
Light as a feather
Stiff as its quill,
He was dead.
Here I was, in this graveyard
holding Death
Over His own grave,
The only space left;
In this land filled with His work
I wept.
I forgot where I was,
I forgot what I was doing
And I leaned over to kiss His cheek,
This cheek that had never been kissed before.
As my lips neared
I felt a gust of wind:
He was gone!
I opened my dry eyes
To a blooming field of flowers-
His work undone!
In this moment I knew:
An Angel had been reborn.
PS I just wanted to share, thanks. Not fishing for feedback. I always feel guilty pushing poetry on people. And hopefully my lack of knowledge/respect for formalities doesn't bug you too much.
Oh! I have a joke for you, Dr. Evil.
How do you make Holy Water?
Boil the hell out of it!!!
hahahaha. i have a bad habit of laughing at my own jokes. have a good one.