Today has been non stop action for me. I started my morning with a trip to the Harley dealership to trade in my 2 sportsters for a Softail Deluxe. That was 3 whole hours of my morning - crunching numbers and all of the annoying details of financing etc etc. After that, I met my tattoo artist at the shop for some ink time. 3 hours under the needle and I am now the proud owner of a gorgeous jellyfish tattoo. The outline alone was 3 hours - going to finish with color in a few weeks dependent on the schedule of my surgery. So, a lot of really bad ass things are happening in my life lately. I feel like there was a defined shift of awareness and potential after the stress of the wedding was over last year. My husband and I were married November 20th 2011 after almost 5 years together as a couple. Now we can relax and have fun. So anyways back to my busy year. I've got a few large tattoo pieces to finish in 2012 along with my abdominoplasty surgery.. I also have an impromptu trip to Seattle to visit an old friend for a few days next week. April 19th we have tickets to see Steel Panther which I am beyond stoked about. It will be my first concert in 12 years. I am starting to realize that I just haven't lived enough in my 30 years on this planet. It's nice to have so much accomplished so I can finally focus on fun and enjoy life. Oh and THEN lets not forget my annual trip to Los Angeles probably in August. Living the dream. 

Sweet Tattoo