I look at a photoset the other day that was very well done and the model posed with style and grace. She didn't have the same figure as most models anywhere but her set was artistic all the same. I looked in the tags and saw one that said "body confident" and got confused.
Body confident is the term that hovers around people who are a bit overweight and don't let it hold them back. To me it's very condescending. Every model on this site is body confident no matter what shape they are. Why aren't the thin, athletic, voluptuous, and curvy girls referred to as body confident? In my opinion to label yourself or someone else as body confident is just saying that even though they dont meet societies idea of what attractive is, it's ok that they're ok with it.
If you have self confidence in any way about any part of you then we should just accept it as confidence. Better yet, on a site like this where woman of all shapes and sizes share the beauty of their form in a way that society already deems wrong in the first place, let's just assume that they are body confident without having to label it.