I read a book about synchronicity a few months back. It was called Synchronicity by Dr. Kirby Surprise (sounds like the lead singer of a glam rock band) and it was pretty interesting. It got kind of "out there" for me so I put it down for awhile and haven't finished it but I've kept his ideas in the back of my mind and I've had the frequency of synchronistic events in my day to day life increase dramatically. Now I have them every day. Most times they're small, the most common for me is music. I'll think of a song and hear it pretty soon after. If not on the radio, then someone will mention it. Sometimes they're pretty impressive, the one that stands out most recently happened at work. I work in a packaging plant and was out of uniforms that day so I was wearing a really old t-shirt. It just so happened that it was the t-shirt I was wearing on the day I proposed to my wife on the same date a few years before. Plus we were running a job for a company called "Moms" when I realized the significance of the date and the shirt when it hit me at that very moment that it was also the anniversary of the day my mom died.
The whole experience made me feel thunderstruck and light. I had a warm happy feeling after that and I was able to ride it for some time. I didn't feel that way because I felt like it was a sign from above but because I felt so connected to the universe at that moment. For a nanosecond I could sense and feel the intimacy we all share with all that is. That's a feeling I'd love to feel that deeply more often.
If you like, leave your thought and feeling on the subject. It'd be interesting to hear some other viewpoints on the subject.