In my dreams, I was drowning in sorrows.
Fetish Ball was.....interesting. I'm tired so this will be brief. Ran into an old acquaintance and spent most of the evening catching up with her. Everyone around me is getting divorced, seems like. The MC sucked. Why anyone would think she would be entertaining is fucking mystifying. "Work the audience into a sexual frenzy" my white ass. She worked me into a constant state of irritation. But I was complimented on the fact that I wear clothes that match. Perhaps the best moment was when this skinny gay kid said he loved my tie. I was delighted. And some girl said that bald guys get her hot, but this wasn't till 1:45.
It was raining as I walked to my car at 2. A woman was arguing with her soon to be ex-boyfriend. Anger is a wasted emotion.
Fetish Ball was.....interesting. I'm tired so this will be brief. Ran into an old acquaintance and spent most of the evening catching up with her. Everyone around me is getting divorced, seems like. The MC sucked. Why anyone would think she would be entertaining is fucking mystifying. "Work the audience into a sexual frenzy" my white ass. She worked me into a constant state of irritation. But I was complimented on the fact that I wear clothes that match. Perhaps the best moment was when this skinny gay kid said he loved my tie. I was delighted. And some girl said that bald guys get her hot, but this wasn't till 1:45.
It was raining as I walked to my car at 2. A woman was arguing with her soon to be ex-boyfriend. Anger is a wasted emotion.