Bring me to a guitar shop, and I'll believe anything you tell me.
What's that?, pointing to Fret Fast.
It makes you play faster.
If I were your roadie, I would...
What's that?, pointing to Fret Fast.
It makes you play faster.
If I were your roadie, I would...
- ...carry your guitar and guitar stand.
- ...always bring you a stool when you need it.
- ...test all the mics with the phrase Hello Cleveland!
- ...put tic tacs in your pick holder.
- ...organize all your drums in order from smallest to largest.
- ...advise you on which guitars to buy. The red ones!
- ...counter-organize your cymbals from largest to smallest.
- ...high-five the other roadies after a job well done! But miss.
- ...draw pictures on post-it notes and leave them for you in secret places. Like in your guitar!
- ...counsel you on the ill effects of drugs and/or alcohol. We had a lot of fun tonight, but you know what's not fun?--freebasing.
You could be my roadie, if I still had time to be in a band. Then I could be know as "that guy with the hot roadie"
Hehe...the last one made me laugh. Actually they all did.