- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban--this book still makes me cry.
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix--Funny story. I got my time screwed up and only started re-reading about a week and a half before the new book was supposed to come out. I had already read 3, so I wanted to move onto 5, as I was quite confident I remembered 4. I go to the shelf, and it is not there. I asked my mom to find my copy (which she read last), so I began 6 first, thinking I'd just put down that one and begin 5 whenever I got it. Seems it's been lost. I continued with 6, but put a hold on it at the library just in case I could get it in time. (252 copies, of which 182 are on hold. I'm 183. A long shot.) On the Wednesday before THE SATURDAY I get a call at 5:53pm saying the library has a copy for me! I zoom down in the car and am able to run into the library at 2 minutes to closing. The librarian, seeing my desperation, ignores my expired library card and allows me to take the book. I get up to 100 pages before the end, when I get 7.
- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
- Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters (or A Progressively Lipogrammatic Epistolary Fable)
- Restless by William Boyd.
- I'll be switching to audio books now so I can do more knitting. Perhaps the mammoth Einstein biography after I finish with Falling Man.
Spending most of my time:
- Knitting a baby blanket that needs to be done by Aug 26th!
- Making ice cream
- Recovering from a week of 14 hour days teching Mr. Diva Opera Director's three double-cast operas. How am I might ask? Why, by running Mr. Diva Opera Director's six shows.
Other Tidbits:
- Tripped over the dog in the dark last night. Slammed my knee and hand into the hardwood floor pretty badly. Bruises forming slowly.
- You may have heard the's true.
Well, you obviously have a lot of planning to do. Yes, I do expect to see pictures.
Sorry to come spam you but congratulations! I noticed you mentioned your hubby to be in the SnB group and thought you might like to join The Wedding Planner