Oh yes! Dreads arrived this morning (yeah yeah, I'm selling out and going fake again )
Should be getting them fitted tomorrow, sunburn permitting (the girl who's fitting them for me has sunburn, silly girl!) So when she comes home tomorrow she's gonna give it a go fitting them. She's never done it before, so it should be fun! lol
Stay tuned for pics!
Oh they're so fucking ACE! and a PERFECT colour match. All from two photos! I left Ceri at Snarlhair.com to pick what shade of pink would look best with the red colour of my hair and she picked a fucking perfect pink mix. Oh god, I'm all excited.
I'm going before I leave a wet patch....
Should be getting them fitted tomorrow, sunburn permitting (the girl who's fitting them for me has sunburn, silly girl!) So when she comes home tomorrow she's gonna give it a go fitting them. She's never done it before, so it should be fun! lol
Stay tuned for pics!
Oh they're so fucking ACE! and a PERFECT colour match. All from two photos! I left Ceri at Snarlhair.com to pick what shade of pink would look best with the red colour of my hair and she picked a fucking perfect pink mix. Oh god, I'm all excited.
I'm going before I leave a wet patch....
wet patch
3 Days