Thank god christmas is over, well it isnt as good if you dnt have kids is it really?
Anyway i got some nice pressies.
I got........
A Lady Luck china cup off Missredcherry, which im about to have a cup of tea out of !!!
I also got a normal cup for work of another friend, (the china one is for home for best) cant beat tea out of a china cup
A set of pink usb accessories for a pc, a lamp, cup warmer and a hoover!!!
U2 cd
Peter kay biography
Sweets & Choccie & Marshmallows
Perfume x 2
Cherry smelly for the car
Bottle of baileys (a massive bottle)
A Momiji doll
Pin up girl soaps
Black tin with pirate skulls on
Sewing kit (off my mam so i dnt think i can take my sewing to hers anymore now)
Anyway it was a good day xmas day in the end, went to mams all day and ate loads then went to my friends on the evening and played games with her and all her family.
Then yesterday i went shopping and bought some tops n trousers, a cardigan, shoes and a hairband and some beads, and a grey top with skulls all over it. Oh and a calander.
Then i went to my cousins as it was my aunties 60th birthday so all the family were there and that was good too.
Then today it was back to work, but guess what !!! We were allowed to go 2 hrs early !!! and are allowed tomorrow and also on friday but im already owed 2 hours on friday so i get to go home 4 hours early on friday !!! WOOOOOO HOOOO!!!
How good is that !!!
Anyway i must dash, the kettle has boiled. ill be back
hope everyone is well
Anyway i got some nice pressies.
I got........
A Lady Luck china cup off Missredcherry, which im about to have a cup of tea out of !!!
I also got a normal cup for work of another friend, (the china one is for home for best) cant beat tea out of a china cup
A set of pink usb accessories for a pc, a lamp, cup warmer and a hoover!!!
U2 cd
Peter kay biography
Sweets & Choccie & Marshmallows
Perfume x 2
Cherry smelly for the car
Bottle of baileys (a massive bottle)
A Momiji doll
Pin up girl soaps
Black tin with pirate skulls on
Sewing kit (off my mam so i dnt think i can take my sewing to hers anymore now)
Anyway it was a good day xmas day in the end, went to mams all day and ate loads then went to my friends on the evening and played games with her and all her family.
Then yesterday i went shopping and bought some tops n trousers, a cardigan, shoes and a hairband and some beads, and a grey top with skulls all over it. Oh and a calander.
Then i went to my cousins as it was my aunties 60th birthday so all the family were there and that was good too.
Then today it was back to work, but guess what !!! We were allowed to go 2 hrs early !!! and are allowed tomorrow and also on friday but im already owed 2 hours on friday so i get to go home 4 hours early on friday !!! WOOOOOO HOOOO!!!
How good is that !!!
Anyway i must dash, the kettle has boiled. ill be back
hope everyone is well
i got back to work on the 3rd so its not so bad.....
2mw me and brian are goin shopping with some high street vouchers we got for xmas and some more money on top of that.... i got about 150 squids to spend....not bad....need to take our minds off things....
thanx for ur words.
glad you had a good christmas.
and thankyou for your christmas messages