Fucking hell, how good are U2!!!
Why havent i discovered them before now !!! Got one of their cds off my boy for xmas (we exchanged gifts today as i wont see him foir a couple of days as he is spending it with the kids)
He also got me the peter kay biography and a little black tin with pirate skulls on and a space for your name, its well cute. (and matches the black and red in my front room)
Anyway, im going to my friends tonight and then its xmas tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a fab time, no doubt ill send ya'lll a message tomorrow. (cause im sad) haha
ps - the lip tattoo is cool today, not sore at all
Why havent i discovered them before now !!! Got one of their cds off my boy for xmas (we exchanged gifts today as i wont see him foir a couple of days as he is spending it with the kids)
He also got me the peter kay biography and a little black tin with pirate skulls on and a space for your name, its well cute. (and matches the black and red in my front room)
Anyway, im going to my friends tonight and then its xmas tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a fab time, no doubt ill send ya'lll a message tomorrow. (cause im sad) haha
ps - the lip tattoo is cool today, not sore at all
And how good are U2? I've no idea love, you'll have to persuade me on that one ha ha!