For the love of god !
Its that cold my bones are stiff !!
Got hair trimmed today, ate lots of sweets and gonna eat more, belly is hanging over my tight jeans but got a top to cover it so i dnt give a fuck.
Off to my friends tonight to chill for an hour or so, watch x factor and maybe have tea, but i was that hungry ive just had two crumpets with cheese n ham on them, they were fucking lovely.
Not been up to much else, bought a new book today by someone call Tess? cant remember the surname andi cant be bothered to go downstairs to look then come all the way back up to type it on here, she is a crime kind mystery writer, i fancied a change and asked the book guy and he recommended her as i was looking at ian rankin and john grisham.
But Ian rankin is scottish and i cant be doing with scottish.
Hope everyone is well, ill be on here later to chat to peeps. (in my jim jams and dressing gown all snug n warm)
Im cooking hot pot tomorrow, yum yum with lots of bread n butter. lovely
Just back from my friends house, gonna change the bed and have a bath and then get into a lovely crisp bed ! heaven.
Ive just discovered that liquid under eye conceler stuff,not coneler, but that eye brightner stuff !!! Fuck me its great!!! I thought it was hype but i just had a go of my friends and its great !!
Its that cold my bones are stiff !!
Got hair trimmed today, ate lots of sweets and gonna eat more, belly is hanging over my tight jeans but got a top to cover it so i dnt give a fuck.
Off to my friends tonight to chill for an hour or so, watch x factor and maybe have tea, but i was that hungry ive just had two crumpets with cheese n ham on them, they were fucking lovely.
Not been up to much else, bought a new book today by someone call Tess? cant remember the surname andi cant be bothered to go downstairs to look then come all the way back up to type it on here, she is a crime kind mystery writer, i fancied a change and asked the book guy and he recommended her as i was looking at ian rankin and john grisham.
But Ian rankin is scottish and i cant be doing with scottish.
Hope everyone is well, ill be on here later to chat to peeps. (in my jim jams and dressing gown all snug n warm)
Im cooking hot pot tomorrow, yum yum with lots of bread n butter. lovely
Just back from my friends house, gonna change the bed and have a bath and then get into a lovely crisp bed ! heaven.
Ive just discovered that liquid under eye conceler stuff,not coneler, but that eye brightner stuff !!! Fuck me its great!!! I thought it was hype but i just had a go of my friends and its great !!
My local bookseller knows me by name, and knows me well enough to give me recommendations and get them right! I read too much ha ha. Better than TV anyway.
Had a good weekend my love? Any action?!