Thankyou so much for all of the love and support for the set “Gingerlily” today shot by Rob Anderman! Super overwhelmed and slightly emotional about all the feedback I’m getting at the moment.
I’m having a very tough time in my private life at the moment but things should improve soon! (Of course everyone is dealing with the pandemic too!)
I am going to respond to as many of you as I possibly can AS SOON as I can.
I really hope you are all doing well, I am sending you so much love and all of your lovely and kind words are bringing such brightness and happiness to me at this time.
Stay safe lovelies xxx

I'm pretty sure everyone will understand a little delay in responses. Hugs and hope gets better fast.

Your set is so outstanding! You are incredible and talented! I love to comtemplate you 😍 You give me the most delightful light in this particular rought time ❤ Thank you 🌷