I'm sorry I was away...I know you all cried and cried, as did I.
I hate whoever invented moving and the menstrual cycle.......that means you god!
ooooh look at the beautiful flowers......so pretty
I hate whoever invented moving and the menstrual cycle.......that means you god!

ooooh look at the beautiful flowers......so pretty
my friends funny, he insisted on sleeping on the floor in my room instead of the couch or fold-out bed downstairs...like when you camp out with your friend when you are little or something
of course, he snore so i ended up sleeping on the couch downstairs....but when someone's in town to have fun, what can you do..somehow i got about 3 hours of sleep each night and still felt fine this week..
of course i got fired on friday mere minutes after walking into my job..my boss was a real cocksucker though.
the job search begins!!
i've been working on my design skills in the meantime though, which is cool..now i got all the time in the world to learn Flash and Quark...plus download mp3s with Soul Seek..
moving sucks, but i am really good at it now..i've moved like 10 times in like 9 years..maybe more.
you just got to be prepared.
damn them to deny us the (6)!
they wont post my linz desktop either and that is bad.. baaaaad.