one day when im not busy ill catch up on journals and shit. i found out im working even more than previously thought. starting may 1st ill only get one day off a fucking week. so there goes my weekends. im so tired from work this week i can hardly move this morning and ive not even been to work yet. ugh. one cool thing....i get to drive the company audi haha. okay well maybe thats stupid but it goes fast! i also get to go to boston a lot to go to our "sister" gallery there. yawwwwwwwwwwwwn.....
i need a break.

hahaha, no thanks on the overpriced shit i don't need, i was just tryin' to ascertain the "deals" and your honesty was refreshing, we'll just live life like this and call it art and appreciate it for what it is like a bowl of soup and some shelter on a cold, stormy day....
Well aren't we just little Miss Hoity Toity Audi Drivin' Gallery Workin' Big City Livin' Modern Woman of Today???