work work work work work work work
this week i have to go in two hours early everyday and stay an hour late. someone come over and clean my apartment for me. PLLLLLLEEEASE
yesterday i couldnt find the power drill so i got to open a huge fucking box with about 50 screws in it all by hand, and now i have blisters. mind you im tiny with exceptionally tiny arms and much too girly to be any good and unscrewing 2 inch screws from a wodden box. it took me awhile. :flex:
this week i have to go in two hours early everyday and stay an hour late. someone come over and clean my apartment for me. PLLLLLLEEEASE
yesterday i couldnt find the power drill so i got to open a huge fucking box with about 50 screws in it all by hand, and now i have blisters. mind you im tiny with exceptionally tiny arms and much too girly to be any good and unscrewing 2 inch screws from a wodden box. it took me awhile. :flex:
ooh! BOTH, actually. yeah. that's it!
put in a request at work.
[Edited on Apr 03, 2003]
My work is sucking lately too ...maybe its something going around work places. Whatever it is I hope it goes away soon. Too much work makes greggster a sad boy