i hate anxiety attacks, lastnight i had one and couldnt sleep. i hate when i get them before bed because then i cant sleep properly and want to stay up. i dont know if i hate them more when its before bed or while im sleeping. then i wake up thinking im dying. who of you get anxiety attacks as well?
My gay neighbor who evidently loves speed and forgets to close his windowns in summer when he throws raging sex parties, routinely has fights with his "lovers" at all hours of the night and finds it a-ok to start moving furniture in his aprt at 5:30am last night woke me up, the fucker. I have left him notes, walked over at (insert time here) and all hours of the morning and this AM finally decided to just yell (into my closet which backs into his closet):
"HELLO! Can you fucking stop that! It's fucking loud. Can't you wait to do this LATER?"
Suddently, the only sound heard was birds chirping. It was heaven. I imagine that's the sound of the anxiety finally subsiding.
Hug the kitties...they will make you sane. Aladdin Sane!