I hit rock bottom Monday but have stayed strong in a healthier fashion since.
I have family and friends to thank. You helped saved me that day.
I wanted to give up but was reminded I have been through much worse.
I don't know how I will care for this new life, new beginning within.
I know I need to love it and care for it, so I will. I have new hope for something
better now. I realize too I am never alone.
For better days to come
I have family and friends to thank. You helped saved me that day.
I wanted to give up but was reminded I have been through much worse.
I don't know how I will care for this new life, new beginning within.
I know I need to love it and care for it, so I will. I have new hope for something
better now. I realize too I am never alone.
For better days to come
Hey I JUST got your comment that you added to one of my photo albums back in like June! ha ha ha not like I'm slammed with them or anything (you were the only one)
But I just wanted to say thank you Hope you had a good weekend 

Yeah, I never made the call. Glad you read and commented don't be a stranger red...