Quite a productive day on a few fronts.
We finally got some cleaning done, got firmly back on track with the healthy eating and I've churned out a fair bit of written work.
PMT has been turning me into a maniac! (lol now, but not at the time) Shouted at some builders, swore angrily in front of children in the street.
Decided to live in the bathroom....
Should really head off to bed as I have a big day at work tomorrow....yaaaaawn.......
I'll leave you with a poem from today,
it isn't balance
this morning i wished i could turn into a bird
so as i could fly away from this
so as i could sit on his shoulder and sing to him
so as i could leave feathers around for you to find
i would eat worms and other beasties
i'd sit up in tall trees laughing at cats
i'd learn the best ways to warn the other birds of danger
be an upstanding citizen of the areal community
and if i were a plant i'd be datura
growing in a creeping fashion along the ground much like a strawberry
datura flowers are closed during the day
so there would be no one to bother me
no people to make a scene and no insects to harass me
i'd spread across the ground looking quite unremarkable
but i would open up at night
unveil private beauty to the darkness
the nocturnal animals would see me
but they would understand as they do this for the same reason i do
the only people who would seek me out would be the ones who know my secret
and they would be so thankful and respectful
the blue brown and green parts of me would be datura
happy on the ground
roots reaching down
yes of course i would get trampled sometimes
but plants can survive parts of them dying
they simply regenerate
how i envy this ability
the yellow orange and pink of me would be the bird
singing all day
soaring with purpose
far away from the grounded parts of me
unconcerned by the truth
dead in a window

We finally got some cleaning done, got firmly back on track with the healthy eating and I've churned out a fair bit of written work.
PMT has been turning me into a maniac! (lol now, but not at the time) Shouted at some builders, swore angrily in front of children in the street.

Should really head off to bed as I have a big day at work tomorrow....yaaaaawn.......
I'll leave you with a poem from today,
it isn't balance
this morning i wished i could turn into a bird
so as i could fly away from this
so as i could sit on his shoulder and sing to him
so as i could leave feathers around for you to find
i would eat worms and other beasties
i'd sit up in tall trees laughing at cats
i'd learn the best ways to warn the other birds of danger
be an upstanding citizen of the areal community
and if i were a plant i'd be datura
growing in a creeping fashion along the ground much like a strawberry
datura flowers are closed during the day
so there would be no one to bother me
no people to make a scene and no insects to harass me
i'd spread across the ground looking quite unremarkable
but i would open up at night
unveil private beauty to the darkness
the nocturnal animals would see me
but they would understand as they do this for the same reason i do
the only people who would seek me out would be the ones who know my secret
and they would be so thankful and respectful
the blue brown and green parts of me would be datura
happy on the ground
roots reaching down
yes of course i would get trampled sometimes
but plants can survive parts of them dying
they simply regenerate
how i envy this ability
the yellow orange and pink of me would be the bird
singing all day
soaring with purpose
far away from the grounded parts of me
unconcerned by the truth
dead in a window

i'm wanting to feel good this week so lots of healthy eating too. food goes so quick when your cooking for two even if its veggies based!