Half of me is desperate to write a big long blog entry right now - but the other half will sit weeping until I get some sleep, so short and sweet for now.
I have left over crispy duck to munch on.
Watching Lewis sleep I am struck by how completely relaxed he looks and how utterly beautiful I find him. I'm still waking up every morning and pinching myself.
Here is a poem I wrote last week:
senses swimming
if my life right now were a short film
there would be flowers blossoming
in the four corners of the screen
glitter in my hair
moonbeams in my eyes
faeries braiding my hair
cherub's laughter accompanying my every movement
as i glide around an unnaturally colourful forest scene
if my feeling could be interoperated as a smell
there would be cinnamon buns
freshly baked by me for him
asiatic lilies and unusual modern hybrid roses
heather honey, vanilla custard
baby powder and a garden full of french lavender
finally settling to bushes of wild jasmine
I have left over crispy duck to munch on.

Watching Lewis sleep I am struck by how completely relaxed he looks and how utterly beautiful I find him. I'm still waking up every morning and pinching myself.
Here is a poem I wrote last week:
senses swimming
if my life right now were a short film
there would be flowers blossoming
in the four corners of the screen
glitter in my hair
moonbeams in my eyes
faeries braiding my hair
cherub's laughter accompanying my every movement
as i glide around an unnaturally colourful forest scene
if my feeling could be interoperated as a smell
there would be cinnamon buns
freshly baked by me for him
asiatic lilies and unusual modern hybrid roses
heather honey, vanilla custard
baby powder and a garden full of french lavender
finally settling to bushes of wild jasmine
are you feeling recovered?? xxxx
I recovered just fine thanks - think I overdid it more last night than over the full weekend!