I'm having an absolute shit evening, for reasons I won't mention here.
I'm cold.
I'm sad.
And I want to go to my room, but I can't. About 20 people have decided our room is THE best place to hold a going away party for one of my roommates.
There aren't a lot of artists that can make me laugh, cry, dance and scream. George can. And did.
He was just amazing.
He talked a lot to the crowd, his voice was amazing, and everything was perfect. He sang loads of my favorite songs (he couldn't have sang all..we would've been there... Read More
Glad it was everything you expected and more Really do wish I could have been there to see how excited you were - I think it would have trumped the Dutch aisle
My grandmother is in hospital again .
This time with fluid behind her lungs. She fears it's cancer, but my mom and granddad think it's nothing to really worry about. Or that's what they hope for anyway.
She's been sick for so long, I was hoping she would be getting better after she had so much done on her heart. I don't want her to... Read More
I'm sorry about your nanna.
Enjoy those 54 days, because it's still 6 weeks you can love and enjoy. And, when you're back in Holland hopefully it's kind of spring so the transition won't be too harsh.
I would love to meet you this summer.
Te gek, wat wordt het?
Ach iedereen "ontspoort" op reis, daarom is het ook zo heerlijk, doen wat je echt wilt, als het goed voelt moet je ervoor gaan!
I have job here in Melbourne, which of course is a very good thing. Except today I found out how much I actually make. Hold on to your seats people, it's a whopping $11 an hour. Yes, I'm working my ass off for $11.
But, the worst thing is, I can't stand up and quit, because I've... Read More