WARNING!!! Massive picture blog.
The past few weeks have been amazing.
It all started in Brisbane with meeting Aaronsrod.
He let me crash on his couch for two weeks and made it his mission to show me everything!!
He took me to Ettamogah pub:

Which also resulted in a visit to Aussie World. Without a doubt Australia's dodgiest themepark

After which we found this:

Aaronsrod had an extra ticket for the SGAU Halloween ball, so I got to go there as well!!

I was Fred Flinstone

After that, I decided to stay in Brisbane for 2 weeks instead of one, and I got to go to the post ball dinner:

Including scary gang driverslicenses:

When I mentioned to Aaronsrod that I had never seen a real waterfall (only the manmade kind in the zoo and stuff) he insisted on taking me to Lemington National Park and the Queen Mary falls cirquit. So I finally saw my first ever waterfall!!(I actually saw three in one day!!) (and saw possums for the first time as well. And fed them

Number one

Number two

Number three

Then, Aaronsrod also drove me to Byron Bay, together with Lockeblade.

^^^^ That beer + the fact that we were hungover from a party the night before + the fact that we are all in really bad shape was the reason we didn't walk to the far tip of Australia
Two days later Lockeblade was in Byron again, and he picked up a friend of mine from the gold coast. This ended up in on of the wildest, most epic nights I've had in a while...or ever maybe.
Unfortunately I don't have all the pics yet, but these will do:

(the three of us drank 1,5 ltr of tequila...and some beer, and some malibu. And a tiny little bit of Coke. In comparison)

The day after resulted in laying on the beach, me getting my nose repierced, my friend getting her nose pierced a seconed time, and Lockeblade getting a new tattoo.
All followed by eating Golden Gaytimes. As you do after an epic night of partying.

I'm in Coffs Harbour now. Which is extremely boring and dissapointing compared to Byron or Brisbane. The guy I stayed with yesterday was awesome though. A vegan homeopath with very interesting views on life. Living on a boat at the moment. It was definitely an eye-opener meeting him.
Probably seeing him and his girlfriend again tomorrow, and than late at night I'm off to Sydney!!! Hope to meet some cool people there again as well.
For everyone I met in Brisbane; thank you for giving me such an awesome time when I was there. I loved you all and I hope to see you again!
To Aaronsrod: Thank you for letting me crash on your couch for two weeks and I'll see you again in Dec! I owe meeting all these lovely people to you

P.S. As a final statement I'd like to say I am NOT trouble. The person who keeps saying I am knows who he is.

Edited to add:
This a new favorite song, and I have a crush on Keith Flint. He is fucking hot!
And please check out this site:
http://www.peopleofwalmart.com It's hilarious
The past few weeks have been amazing.
It all started in Brisbane with meeting Aaronsrod.
He let me crash on his couch for two weeks and made it his mission to show me everything!!
He took me to Ettamogah pub:

Which also resulted in a visit to Aussie World. Without a doubt Australia's dodgiest themepark

After which we found this:

Aaronsrod had an extra ticket for the SGAU Halloween ball, so I got to go there as well!!

I was Fred Flinstone

After that, I decided to stay in Brisbane for 2 weeks instead of one, and I got to go to the post ball dinner:

Including scary gang driverslicenses:

When I mentioned to Aaronsrod that I had never seen a real waterfall (only the manmade kind in the zoo and stuff) he insisted on taking me to Lemington National Park and the Queen Mary falls cirquit. So I finally saw my first ever waterfall!!(I actually saw three in one day!!) (and saw possums for the first time as well. And fed them

Number one

Number two

Number three

Then, Aaronsrod also drove me to Byron Bay, together with Lockeblade.

^^^^ That beer + the fact that we were hungover from a party the night before + the fact that we are all in really bad shape was the reason we didn't walk to the far tip of Australia

Two days later Lockeblade was in Byron again, and he picked up a friend of mine from the gold coast. This ended up in on of the wildest, most epic nights I've had in a while...or ever maybe.
Unfortunately I don't have all the pics yet, but these will do:

(the three of us drank 1,5 ltr of tequila...and some beer, and some malibu. And a tiny little bit of Coke. In comparison)

The day after resulted in laying on the beach, me getting my nose repierced, my friend getting her nose pierced a seconed time, and Lockeblade getting a new tattoo.

All followed by eating Golden Gaytimes. As you do after an epic night of partying.

I'm in Coffs Harbour now. Which is extremely boring and dissapointing compared to Byron or Brisbane. The guy I stayed with yesterday was awesome though. A vegan homeopath with very interesting views on life. Living on a boat at the moment. It was definitely an eye-opener meeting him.
Probably seeing him and his girlfriend again tomorrow, and than late at night I'm off to Sydney!!! Hope to meet some cool people there again as well.
For everyone I met in Brisbane; thank you for giving me such an awesome time when I was there. I loved you all and I hope to see you again!
To Aaronsrod: Thank you for letting me crash on your couch for two weeks and I'll see you again in Dec! I owe meeting all these lovely people to you

P.S. As a final statement I'd like to say I am NOT trouble. The person who keeps saying I am knows who he is.

Edited to add:
This a new favorite song, and I have a crush on Keith Flint. He is fucking hot!
And please check out this site:
http://www.peopleofwalmart.com It's hilarious

Yay im blue

So glad to hear you've been up to a lot of fun stuff!! The pics are great, and of course your always adorable in them!!