My laptop died on me.
I can handle not having internet for a few days...or longer. But not having my laptop is really hard! My whole life was on there. My music, pictures, stories, everything. Thank god I was able to retrieve everything, but it still sucks.
I do suddenly have time for other cleaning, or polishing my nails
I can't afford buying a new one before I go to Australia. Which is just a little over a month away now.
I'm getting scared to be honoust. I think my family will have to push me into the plane.
Today I told my boss I was going to Australia so I had to quit my job. She was nothing but positive. She really is the best.
So only one more month to go.
Other nice things that have been going on:
Me and Harald are together for over six months
I'm going to do a divingintroduction soon, so I know what I can expect a bit in Australia
Next friday I'm going to Combichrist
Next sunday I'm going to Gossip
I got a lot of money from the tax authorities
I saw Guano Apes are touring again. They better visit Austrlia too!!!!!!! I've wanted to see them since I was fourteen!!!
Harald ordered the womens hoodie from the shop, and I got a free dvd and a handwritten note from Missy
. I liked it.
How is everyone here?
I can handle not having internet for a few days...or longer. But not having my laptop is really hard! My whole life was on there. My music, pictures, stories, everything. Thank god I was able to retrieve everything, but it still sucks.
I do suddenly have time for other cleaning, or polishing my nails

I can't afford buying a new one before I go to Australia. Which is just a little over a month away now.
I'm getting scared to be honoust. I think my family will have to push me into the plane.

Today I told my boss I was going to Australia so I had to quit my job. She was nothing but positive. She really is the best.
So only one more month to go.
Other nice things that have been going on:
Me and Harald are together for over six months
I'm going to do a divingintroduction soon, so I know what I can expect a bit in Australia
Next friday I'm going to Combichrist
Next sunday I'm going to Gossip
I got a lot of money from the tax authorities

I saw Guano Apes are touring again. They better visit Austrlia too!!!!!!! I've wanted to see them since I was fourteen!!!
Harald ordered the womens hoodie from the shop, and I got a free dvd and a handwritten note from Missy

How is everyone here?

That's soooo soon! Nice!
Ben jaloers