Last week, I moved the bedroom to where my workroom used to be, and the workroom to where my bedroom used to be. I did this so I could have better internet acces (I use the network of my neighbour
) Moving everything from one room to the other made me realise (again) how much crap I have. It's so much, I have no idea what to do with all of it. When I'm done with school I'm going to throw everything I ever made away. AND I broke my printer by moving it. I don't know what I did, but it doesn't work anymore. So I went to the computer store yesterday, and they told me it wouldn't be worth fixing it, it was better to buy a new one. How stupid is that! The thing is not even two years old!
Also yesterday, when I was making pancakes, a collegue from my internship called me, saying I had to call the boss of the company, cause there were come changes going on, and they might have some work for me.
I called the boss today, and I'm going to talk to him on tuesday. He didn't want to discuss anything over the phone. Pfff, I'm nervous.
I just called my grandmother. Thankfully her health is doing better, but she's feeling a bit depressed lately. My mom sends her flowers every day and I think I should call her a little more often, just to get her mind off of her problems.
I wish it was juli already, the sun would be shining all the time, I bet my grandmother would be doing great by then, I'd have graduated (I hope) and everything would be a lot clearer to me.
Have a nice day everyone
Also yesterday, when I was making pancakes, a collegue from my internship called me, saying I had to call the boss of the company, cause there were come changes going on, and they might have some work for me.
I just called my grandmother. Thankfully her health is doing better, but she's feeling a bit depressed lately. My mom sends her flowers every day and I think I should call her a little more often, just to get her mind off of her problems.
I wish it was juli already, the sun would be shining all the time, I bet my grandmother would be doing great by then, I'd have graduated (I hope) and everything would be a lot clearer to me.
Have a nice day everyone
Good luck with the talk tuesday!
Pancakes though, sadly no
I'm hoping all is good on your end? Any news for me