blah. blah, blah.... I have a paper that I should be working on right now but i realy don't feel like doing that right now. I'm waiting for my roommate to get back so we can drink the bottle of 151 i just bought....I can hear it calling my name from the fridge... it keeps distracting my research, currently im pageing through manliness and civilization... its good but on a warm like tonight i would rather be out doing somthing... It would be a good time for a gf but im to damn picky... i was wondering if i should try to force myself to like this girl that i hang out with but i don't know if thats a good idea... its not the whole romantic thing. oh well, its things like that, that help me write songs!
More Blogs
Thursday Feb 02, 2006
If you could ask God anything what would it be? I wouldn't ask for… -
Saturday Jan 14, 2006
Tom Delonge from blink 182 has a new band! Angels and Airways. i can'… -
Tuesday Jan 10, 2006
Hi guys! i have an excuse for not being on lately and that is sinc… -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2005
i'm sory everyone! i know i promised to update earlier, but i have be… -
Monday Nov 07, 2005
well now, i've been tagged... interesting facts about me... this is g… -
Wednesday Nov 02, 2005
im sorry guys but im about to get all emo. i know i shouldn't because… -
Wednesday Oct 26, 2005
All right, where to start, lots of STRESS and stuff... yester day … -
Tuesday Oct 18, 2005
Wow, thank you all for the birthday wishes! it was a good birthday! I… -
Monday Sep 19, 2005
fuck love! i did it. i swore to myslef that i would not do it again. … -
Wednesday Aug 31, 2005
i love the Alk. song radio. classes are cool. my two history class…