Ok, this weekend was one long weekend. Dave and I picked up out college friend katy and went to ocean city md. To make a long story short we had two busted tires at night, and ended up staying at this ghetto ass hotel. So we ended up leaving for home on Mon. which sucked because of traffic. So we were in bumper to bumper traffic for over six hours. That sucks nomatter what. But I needed to get home. Right now it is almost 12:30, I have to wake up in four hours to drive to Philly. I am doing some time there for my guard unit and will be coming home everyother weekend for band practice. This is gonna go on for two months. Totally not looking forward to it. I am staying at my grandmoms house and other then family I know no one. The only internet that I will have access to is my email so if you think you might be in the area email me please! Otherwise I'll talk to everyone in two and a half week.
Peace out
Peace out
Hey, what's up? Just poking aroung on SG. Sorry to hear about your trip, hopefully you didn't get stuck in Delaware on the way to OC. Snowboarding is the best stress releif ever! Good luck on the rest of your trip! Later.