I just want to say that I am sooo thankful for the friends that I have, they have helped me through these last months. I realy hope that everyone has atleast one friend to be able to count on no matter what. I am lucky cause I have three. The guys in my band are not only band members but great friends. Speaking of which it is almost time to go to practice. I hope bill doesn't bring his g'f. She is a bitch (and not the female dog). She fooled around with me while she was talking to him. I didn't know that he liked her till they started dating... so I have to watch myself around her.
I miss singing in my band! It's true the bond you can form in those situations can make or break you. BE CAREFUL! Girlfriend's always bring the drama into the band. Thus, I left mine.
I'll come visit you and you can teach me how to snowboard. I went once with a friend and her ex, but I never went back. I had fun, though my ass was sore after.