If you could ask God anything what would it be?
I wouldn't ask for help, rather an explanainsion. What truly is our purpose? A friend of mine said to survive, thats just not good enough for me. Mice survive, surviving is nothing speacial, and we as human beings have to feel special. Which is the flaw in human design. If it was not for this feeling of self pride we would be the most effecient life forms, kind of like ants.
Another person sugested love. Yet another human myth that we all believe in so that we can feel we have a one up on all the animals. Besides, love is so fleeting that no one can attain true love. Also any time there is love there must be hate, so can we ever truly destroy hate?
Me even asking this question is very selfish of myself because im hoping for some mythical quest, some purpose that would hold some type of meaning.
And if Gods answer is to love him, isn't that a little selfish...
sorry everyone, in a thinking mood...
Oh, I'll also ask him where my camera is
I wouldn't ask for help, rather an explanainsion. What truly is our purpose? A friend of mine said to survive, thats just not good enough for me. Mice survive, surviving is nothing speacial, and we as human beings have to feel special. Which is the flaw in human design. If it was not for this feeling of self pride we would be the most effecient life forms, kind of like ants.
Another person sugested love. Yet another human myth that we all believe in so that we can feel we have a one up on all the animals. Besides, love is so fleeting that no one can attain true love. Also any time there is love there must be hate, so can we ever truly destroy hate?
Me even asking this question is very selfish of myself because im hoping for some mythical quest, some purpose that would hold some type of meaning.
And if Gods answer is to love him, isn't that a little selfish...
sorry everyone, in a thinking mood...

Oh, I'll also ask him where my camera is

get at me, let me know whats new hunn