I recently worked a fetish convention and got to work with @Sunshine on a new set ( https://www.suicidegirls.com/girls/ginary/album/5639412/classic-lolita/ ) while I was in town ( : I wanted to do a classic theme set inspired by my favorite book and make it into my own little element . Im really glad to bring this set to life and I hope you all enjoy Sunshine and I creating this for the SG community ( : Let us know your thoughts and if you like it ! ( : First set in a long time ( :
I have enclosed some pics of me at the fetish convention got to work with some amazing talent and got to network with other fetish producers . I love what I do and I love sharing , exploring and expressing myself with the community . Ive been on this site since 2006 so its been a minute !
Ill be doing some traveling in November Egypt and Iceland if any SGs or SG peeps are around hit me up and I'll be in San Diego and Seattle next year along with some other countries and cities ( : I love traveling ! Im also happy to create multi sets with SGS too they are fun to shoot and my home base is Fl for any Fl SGS or traveling to ( :
I also love cooking definitely a big foodie and attached a pic of my recent pasta meals I made
Til next time ( : Happy sg anniversary !!! ( : https://www.suicidegirls.com/girls/ginary/album/5639412/classic-lolita/