It never stopped raining.those of you that are familiar with this darkness and green covered mossy land are in no surprise to know this observation..but it was relentlessand the rain came downit poured it fucking poured.I stare transfixed into the darkness from the front of the car observing the reality that is in front of me and I am freaking out.You see..Port Hardy is at the top of the Island.a small fishing and logging town- the last stop in the mountains of green-.incredibly beautiful.incredibly unforgiving..something to be respected to be taken seriously.tempers run high herethe loggersthe granolas..the humanity of trying to keep a hold of something miraculous and something dignified.these are the choices and in the middle of this age old arguments..the canopy of the redwoods, the Douglas firs, the sequoiasthe eternal evergreenslooms above our rained all night..and we sat there..sohe saidlets smoke a bowl.take our minds off of this miserable predicament and try and chill out..3 hours earlier we had been on a bitch of a road..75km to Cape Scott it read..all around us- pot holes the size of trucks, rain like a mother fucker, trees mixed in with clear cut as far as the eye could see and the looming feeling that we were stepping off the edge of the world- we could have gone backit was 5pm for FUCKs Sake and we still were not even a third of the way therewhat the hell were we thinking?- in retrospect, we were like mindless sheep happily marching along to our own slaughterso here we were..pitch black..defeated from the earlier attempt to construct shelter out of 2 bungee cords and a few aging tarps..we realized we were royally screwed once we no longer could see the front of our hands and we were in the shivering cold in our soaked sweat shirts and TEVA strapped feet- NOWwe are HIGH off of our asses in this mammoth forest and the rookie mistake took its fucking toll like a nothing I had experienced before- MENTAL NOTE- drugs mind altering substances should only be consumed in happy times.for when one can lay on the the stars and listen to some cool shit in the comfy confines of your living room, under blankies so soft, with a batch of warm soft choco-chip cookies not too far from reach- NOT in the middle of nowhere not while drenched defeated, near suicidal and hysterical- so you can only guess what happened next- MAJOR high level paranoia- like I had never experienced beforewas Freddy or Jason looming in the darkness waiting to cut us to pieces?.....why was this happening to us?...why are we here?...are we going to die tonight?--- oh I can laugh about it now-SO- in retrospectshit that we had been dealing with for the past couple of years..pretty much physically manifested itself into the abyss we had to deal with that Saturday night on Cape Scott- we eventually slept off the paranoiawe eventually cried ourselves to sleep and without a word- as soon as the morning light came-we packed up the last of our shit, our dignity and high tailed it out of the unforgiving woods- the light made no difference- the lonely gravel road was no better in the rays of the morning light- we just had to face it and take it one step at a time- all the way back we didnt say a word-
p.s. I was graced by the presense of 3 bears- YES, I kicked their ass-
p.s. I was graced by the presense of 3 bears- YES, I kicked their ass-
mmmm chesse sandwiches, where in squamish did you get that cheese sandwitch?
Welcome back! You show those fuckin' bears...