here is my imaginationthe spaces between sighs and hopethe promises of something never fulfilled..with the exception of two entries, these wondrous tales of lust, love, hate, sex, everything I refuse to say if it ever happened or it willand those that know me know your will not have to go far to decipher the meaning to what I would gladly grant you and what some day I may deny is only a matter of time before we settle these all means I am happy to feel at calm and ease with the way things are now..I get so bogged down with the detailshammering away at the small instances of meanings and tone of my delivery.sometimes I forget to take it a small step at a timeand audience pays no mind when I stop talking about my sexual encounters, exploits, my darkest desires of something too erotic I dare whisper tooagainyou know who you know who you are because you have been inside know who you are because in the middle of the lonely dead Ohio have called my name.and I have called yours..and I have felt your warmthI have felt the closeness of those words that travel the distance to greet my wanting ears as I lay haunted by their intonation..their magic over my limbsyou know who you are because we are partners in crimeI am loyal and your love lets me carry on like the fool that I have know who I am because I have cried, cursed, laughed, begged for fuck me more in the shower, in your car, in your mothers bedheld you till your rage stopped at your trust destroyed by the selfish man who so eagerly rubbs it in your know who you are because you know what to say to me..and one day your breath may touch mine.between our lips our tongues will meet to finally convey the sense of warmth and emotion beyond recognition to only a lucky fewand in these moments of audacious life, I dare to think that we have become something more.something beyond envy and something more familiar.lover, friends, the bond of someone sacred to your heart and I have no fear in this because it is lifeand sometimes I have to remind myself that it exists beyond these pages, these words and I know this because I have lived them and binary bits of ones and zeros cant kiss like you cancant same my name like you can.cant make me feel whole, needed, wanted, adored and most of all lovedgo out and lovego out and live.smut can always wait
Tear_Garden said you were cool. I thought I used....... dots alot... Now not only am I not alone, but you've kicked my ass with your use of dots. Very cool writing style
I'll check on you again for sure!
