While he sleeps I look at him and I put my arms around him...sometimes he moves around to face me and smiles in his sleep....he feels so warm...he is always so warm...and I love his scent.......I hold him for so long...and I he has replaced my home....he is home to me...he represents everything that is home to me.....I love looking at you when you sleep....your soft skin just above your most excellant ass......you loveley neck that I kiss everynight before I go to bed....dreaming about you even......this is where I belong....no matter what I crave....no matter who drifts in and out of my mind when I wander through the halls of that immense librbary, bus....bar....everywhere......the heart goes no further than the home you are to me........
You write well and have some pretty deep thoughts. I bet you're easy to be with . . .(not easy in a sleazy way tho).
Hey babe, awesome words. Putting them down for others to see is truely kewl, I hope you keep writing. I also hope everythings well and everyones in good health.