It was one of those days. The freaking day started out as thouhgut I was not mean to get out of bed.....this first bus broke down, the second one we all caught also broke down and now...running ever so late to a presentation I was watching as the bridge that never goes up....rise it's massive cables right in front of me. At this point, all I could do from losing it was just laugh hysterically....what is the fucking worst that can happen right?
On that note, the day was not looking so hot to say the least, but at least I had gotten my research ready to present..and for some reason..I was feeling so freaking self important.....but as with anything...and for some reason..we always tend to measure our successe by the things our peers were doing....there I sat in the front row on a break from standing in front of my poster that I loving ly prepared to exhibit my work...when along comes this incredibly poised and attractive creature that gives a fucking INCREDIBLE presentation of her work....I glance at the details of her vingnette in the progra,......hmmm..."Mary Gates Scholar, British Marshall Scholar, Martin Scholar, McNair Scholar"...accepted into London School of Economics...."..Bloody of a little poster and research seemed like peanuts....and to boot..she was so nice and sweet...spiting image of Uma Thurman....I hate when I do my goals....everything I ahve accomplished when I meet people like this.....but you see it has nothing to do with me....and who I am......because no matter what I do and say...there will be someone out there that will do the same with is almost an embarrasment that I let this bother me...i have the love of my life...I am healthy and I am in a good place....however...somehow....these things are never enough...
On that note, the day was not looking so hot to say the least, but at least I had gotten my research ready to present..and for some reason..I was feeling so freaking self important.....but as with anything...and for some reason..we always tend to measure our successe by the things our peers were doing....there I sat in the front row on a break from standing in front of my poster that I loving ly prepared to exhibit my work...when along comes this incredibly poised and attractive creature that gives a fucking INCREDIBLE presentation of her work....I glance at the details of her vingnette in the progra,......hmmm..."Mary Gates Scholar, British Marshall Scholar, Martin Scholar, McNair Scholar"...accepted into London School of Economics...."..Bloody of a little poster and research seemed like peanuts....and to boot..she was so nice and sweet...spiting image of Uma Thurman....I hate when I do my goals....everything I ahve accomplished when I meet people like this.....but you see it has nothing to do with me....and who I am......because no matter what I do and say...there will be someone out there that will do the same with is almost an embarrasment that I let this bother me...i have the love of my life...I am healthy and I am in a good place....however...somehow....these things are never enough...
I do the same thing...don't worry about it, you are hotter than uma thurman any day

Some things bother us, even though we know they're not supposed to. Best thing to do is not to change course because of it. You're a lovely woman as well... and she's not a SG member. Nuff said.