Yesterday at work I got this HUGE pain in my back all of a sudden. It felt like someone came up behind me and punched the shit out of my back. So anyway, when I got home it was to the point I could barely stand up without a rush of pain all over my body. Hell, I couldn't even sit up. I was bedridden all night. Then when I had to pee it took all of my energy to get out of bed, yet again another shot of pain. Then I couldn't even sit straight on the toilet. Finally when I was able to go to bed it was 2 or 3 in the morning. My back felt better but I could still barely stand up. So I bought some ICYHOT patches and it feels a little better. I also had some great SEX which made it feel better. But it's still a pain. Just thought I'd share my misery of the day, but don't worry, it's not getting me down, it's just REALLY painful.
People often say that I'm a pain in the ass. 

You're having muscle spasms. I've have them off and on and it's exactly as you described. ICYHOT was good idea, and so was sex. It'll work itself out, just don't go doing the triathelon for a few days.