Hey Hey how are all of you peoples!!!!!!!
Well things have been great Cindy is down here and she hasn't puked hardly at all.... as of late she has definatly been catching up on lots of sleep.... and watching tons of fucking tv.... lots of tv.... this was supposed to be our chance to get married but unfotunatly that doesn't seem to be happening for a while..... =/ but besides that all i have to say is that she is one very hungry preggy lady she seems to be a bottomless pit .... never stops eating....its cute.... i hope soon that i can just do a fold of fat.... cause sex .... has been rare.... her vagine has been very owie sore so .... sex is kinda there .... but .... once she wakes up again you can bet i will be there =D well everyone happy to post and kinda keep you guys up to date from my point of view.... =D
Well things have been great Cindy is down here and she hasn't puked hardly at all.... as of late she has definatly been catching up on lots of sleep.... and watching tons of fucking tv.... lots of tv.... this was supposed to be our chance to get married but unfotunatly that doesn't seem to be happening for a while..... =/ but besides that all i have to say is that she is one very hungry preggy lady she seems to be a bottomless pit .... never stops eating....its cute.... i hope soon that i can just do a fold of fat.... cause sex .... has been rare.... her vagine has been very owie sore so .... sex is kinda there .... but .... once she wakes up again you can bet i will be there =D well everyone happy to post and kinda keep you guys up to date from my point of view.... =D
Good luck, hope all goes well