I will be home on the 3rd.... a parade session will not be necissary .... but I will have tons of pics to dump on here of all the cool places i've been to as well as many other things.... like dumb sea stories and the such.
P.S. i love the messages... make me feel like i was missed.... /smack all /kisses for all
I'm still underway =/
But alas I will be up and running for 2 days ... OOOoooOOOO
So i will dump a compendium of pics i've gotten thus far this underway, alas i will not be able to disclose anything about where we are now or what we have been doing until after all is said and done... but bet your asses i... Read More
Where, oh where is my favorite sailor boy? Well, I guess that is a silly question. I know good damn well that you are stuck on a ship with a bunch of men who are assuredly not as cool (or as cute, I might add) as me. sigh
I am having to leave for deployment to south america.
I will be gone for a while. I will miss what are truely the only friends I talk to frequently.
But pay no mind to me being gone cause i will have email on the ship....
*To my pics*
Thats right folks, you heard right! 2 New folders of me , many pics by request and making fun of people... like pouty lips hrmmmm *pouts*
Well i hope you enjoy and hope you leave comments ! =D
humor should never be lost entirely . (If you've ever seen the sea in storm, full on high wind storm with lots of lightening, you know how dangerous it is, and yet, you also know how you can laugh through the whole thing...)
I'm just waiting for it all to finish mellowing out. I"m still kinda funny feeling, but not so everywhere.
F-F-F-Fuck it all everyone! =D I have almost capped in my ambivolence and don't know if I could start caring any less about certain shit... next to go is intrest and feeling... who knows .... unless an act of god happens and said person pulls her head out of her ass and pulls some magic...