Quick stupid bullshit post.
I've come to the realization that I suck ass at striking up conversations with people I don't know. Damn you social awkwardness!
Looking forward to 300 this weekend. And the release of God of War 2 next week. The power of Sparta can not be contained in one week of entertainment releases alone. It's far too sweaty and MAN.
My roommate's pug is adorable. Saw a picture of Rob Zombie's pug wearing a t-shirt that his wife (girlfriend?)sells. I want to buy said pug sized t-shirt for my roomate's pug.
PS3 Home sounds really cool and is the first thing announced for the PS3 that makes me want to own one. I want to make me and use my avatar to annoy people, just like in real life. I'd wait until the end of the year to buy one of these overpriced monstrosities, but there's a good chance by then the backwards compatibility for PS2 games is going to be using different, cheaper, but unfortunately less inclusive emulation software instead of the current way they are handling it (by basically including a whole PS2 inside). The 360 uses emulation for it's backwards compatibility and has pretty much proved that it's a shitty route to go overall. I really want to be able to play all my old games on the thing. It's virtually a lock that my PS2 will die. Already killed a couple.
I want sushi. But it's too late and the sushi restaurant I live behind is closed and that makes me sad.
I bored of writing now. Good night party people. I leave you with the most awesome opening sequence to an anime ever.
Read I HEART DISAPPOINTMENT. Only one update so far. But there'll be more! Promise!
I've come to the realization that I suck ass at striking up conversations with people I don't know. Damn you social awkwardness!
Looking forward to 300 this weekend. And the release of God of War 2 next week. The power of Sparta can not be contained in one week of entertainment releases alone. It's far too sweaty and MAN.
My roommate's pug is adorable. Saw a picture of Rob Zombie's pug wearing a t-shirt that his wife (girlfriend?)sells. I want to buy said pug sized t-shirt for my roomate's pug.
PS3 Home sounds really cool and is the first thing announced for the PS3 that makes me want to own one. I want to make me and use my avatar to annoy people, just like in real life. I'd wait until the end of the year to buy one of these overpriced monstrosities, but there's a good chance by then the backwards compatibility for PS2 games is going to be using different, cheaper, but unfortunately less inclusive emulation software instead of the current way they are handling it (by basically including a whole PS2 inside). The 360 uses emulation for it's backwards compatibility and has pretty much proved that it's a shitty route to go overall. I really want to be able to play all my old games on the thing. It's virtually a lock that my PS2 will die. Already killed a couple.
I want sushi. But it's too late and the sushi restaurant I live behind is closed and that makes me sad.
I bored of writing now. Good night party people. I leave you with the most awesome opening sequence to an anime ever.
Read I HEART DISAPPOINTMENT. Only one update so far. But there'll be more! Promise!